November 11, 2008
I finally got around to building a README for how to deploy this blog on your own Google App Engine account.
Source: How to Deploy: 1) Get a Google App Engine account at 2) Create a new application. Note your application identifier. 3) Edit the included app.yaml.sample: i) Change the text APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER to the application identifier created in step 2. ii) Rename it to app.yaml 4) Edit the included i) Variables are self explanatory. ii) Rename it to 5) Edit base.html to make it your own (optional). 6) Deploy! i) Via command line: Move to the directory containing app.yaml and do " update ." ii) Via GoogleAppEngineLauncher (for Mac): Drag the directory onto the window, click on the app, hit deploy! 7) Start blogging by visiting http://your_blog_url/new i) That will prompt you for your Google Account. Login with the same one you use to login to Only that account can add/edit/delete posts. 8) Let me know that you're using it :) [email protected]